December 26, 2014

How to take Selfie 101

Hahaha! My title is a bit off!

But I am going to share you some pictures I took using my MAC BOOK PRO

Here are some ways on how to take you own selfie with a camera hahahaha

I actually don't know how to reiterate instructions that much. Hahah! But all you have to consider are Proper Lighting, your Perfect Angle and Proper Posture ;-)



I actually going to write something about G.R.L and their songs. They sang Ugly Heart and Vacation, which happens to be my current favorite ;-P

The sad part is that Simone Battle on of the girls in this band died which was really really unexpected. I was shocked I couldn't believe it. :( She has the potential as an artist, singer and dancer. She was a grand finalist  on XFactor USA. ONE of the BEST!!!!







December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas!!!!!!

Hi!!!! I would like to greet you a Happy Merry Christmas!!! 

Tonight, my mom and I actually made some loot bags to be given to 29 kids as they do carolling on Christmas Day or tomorrow ;) I am so excited to see their happy faces. It's not a lot, just lil crunchies and chocolates inside it ;) I am soooo excited I can't help but grin when I saw the finished packs :) 

Aside from that, I am also excited to celebrate Christmas with my Family this year since I was at work and I my friend rescued me from the office and celebrated with her family instead during last year's Christmas. Hahahaha

Once again, Have a Happy Merry Christmas from me and my blog hahahha! 


December 17, 2014

Addicted! Addicted!


My title is too deceiving! No, I am not talking about DRUGS! I know for a fact that when people say addicting, it can always be associated to DRUGS. But not in my case, ever.

I will be talking random things here from my childhood discoveries that had a great impact on me that even today I am still addicted to it.

My very first addiction was being  #REGINIAN. I am and will always be a Solid REGINE VELASQUEZ FAN. YES MA'AM!!!!! I have bought a few CDs of her, magazines, pictures and posters. I still have them and I will never think of throwing them away. I just love the #AsiasSongbird a lot. She topped my list of favorite singers such as Avril Lavigne, Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift among others. They're my favorites but I don't have cd of them but I do have magazines of them being on the cover sometimes but not much unlike my huge collection of magazines with Regine on the cover, I will take a snapshot of it and I will edit this entry ;-)

KPOP. Yes a huge fan here and has been a resident Soompier @ it is a kpop global fanbase. I've been there for 7 years. I've seen badges and icons coz they do give you badges for your loyalty as a soompier and I felt treasured in a way. THANK YOU!! Please join us!!! It's a fun place to have new friends that has the interests as you not only kpop as you get to know more ;-)

Korean DRAMA. I can say that some girls can be very addicted to KOREAN DRAMA because we love love stories. The first korean drama I have ever watched that lead me to this kind of addiction was #MyNameIsKimSamSoon. And because some substitle groupies had made introduction of  themselves through wetpaint in videos and credits and that lead me to ;-)

Internet and BLOGGING.





Do you want some Cornicks? THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ADDICTING!

December 16, 2014

Saving Tips

I have been thinking about writing something about SAVING. Well this doesn't only apply to money. Saving can be very applicable to almost anything. This piece of blog today will share mostly about what I have done about saving what I can save. It could even save Mother Earth.
When I was a youngster I never had a single piece of a nerve to save. That's true. I have been wasting a lot from money, water, food, even material things, recycled things among others.

Money. I spend way too much! I spend more than I deserve to spend. I have learned to save only recently when I stopped working and started a tiny business.  I thought that when I work it will save me financially. In a way, in a weeks time it does but as weeks and weeks go by I always ran out of budget for things that I have written and been wanting to do way back grade school and college. I am one of those people who like to travel but how will I ever get to travel if I would spend my money abnormally :( :( I'm 26 and I have only been to a few places. I want to add some in my list especially that I am still single and still able to do what I may want to do. 

As a tip: If you are working, don't think about treating yourself every payday. Treat yourself every month or every two months. It's okay. You don't have to go to every great place in the city. You can go there without thinking about your budget b/c you have more than what you expect. SOMEDAY.

Food. When I was young, I don't consume everything but as I grew older, little by little I do consume everything I order. we cook, or what's on my plate. If I can't because I am too full. I share with a bestfriend.

Material Things. Buy what you need.

Putting it on trash already? Think twice. DON'T MIX NON-BIODEGRADABLE WITH BIODEGRADABLE ONES . . . . . . .  PLEASE RECYCLE!!!!!!!!!!

I have learned these things the hard way. It's part of maturity I guess that you get to think that you can still do something on something.. . .  ;-)

December 13, 2014

If You Work in Call Center

How was it like working in a call center?

Let me share my own experience while I got the chance to work in a call center.

Okay... so....
I was a fresh graduate in college then when I applied and started working in a call center. It was one of those ramping seasons when I first applied. Ramping meant companies are going to hire excessively more people to work for them. I was one of them.

I was a walk-in applicant then because I did not want to rely on phone interviews without getting any follow ups. The very first company I tried to apply was Qualfon. I went there around 9 am and got my Initial interview. Commonly, initial interview meant talking about what you have on your resume such as name, school, academic achievements, your work experiences if you have any already prior to your application. An addition to that would be the most striking questions " Why did you choose to work in a call center", " What are you looking forward in 3-5 years from now". Well that only meant staying in the company for good.

The personal question is, " Are you going to stay in the company that long? Or is it just very temporary?"

Before you apply, you need to make sure you have assessed yourself already. You need to assess your capability, English skills, your communication skills, socialization skills, availability, understanding, patience and your determination.

When you speak of capability well it goes with English and communication skills. 

Socialization, hmmm for me it's just about how you blend well with your new friends from training and production. You have to blend well or else you'll be tagged as OTHERS. Call center peeps mostly are up for almost anything so you better be ready. But of course if you have obligations and you are the type of person who doesn't really hang out with friends but would rather hang out with family and old friends then that should still be fine. No one forces anyone to be like the rest. You don't have to change who you are.

Availability, most call centers prefer individuals who are readily available once hired. That's it.

Understanding, I know for a fact based on my experience that understand the whole scope of call center jobs or BPO can only be understood once you're there. I can say so much about it. The fun, the hardships and success. I've had it all. But the main scope of the work itself is that you are going to be a full pledged Customer Service. You're going to be giving assistance to people who are troubled with a certain product. Your assistance to them can either be sales, technical or simply inquiry. Got more questions? Let's chat about that EMAIL ME! hahahaha

Patience. I have to be honest, working in a call center is a mixture of fun, hardwork, stress and you have got to have a full bottle of patience. Patience is a virtue and it can lead you far from what you've thought. THAT IS SERIOUS and CERTAIN. BE PATIENT.

Determination. You determination for independence and success, yes you've got to have that. Working in a call center isn't all fun and fun. You've to have the determination to achieve more as it is also a career just as your are working in a bank, in a store, in a law office. You have to be your best version to elevate your position as well.

There I am glad that I was able to put my thoughts into words today hahaha!

That's it for now.

December 9, 2014

Fell Inlove with Us The Duo

Us The Duo consists of Michael and Carissa. They're a real life couple and have actually made covers on youtube and became popular. But they were solo artists at first and fell inlove with each other hahahah! OH WOW! LOVE IS AWESOME and them making music together, touring together and getting known is just as great! ;-) I first saw them through a Youtube video putting all popular songs in a 2 minute video. MASTERPIECE! Then I discovered their original track and it's on VEVO! Which means they're popular! Love that I know them now. Hopefully they come to the Philippines so I can watch them live. YAY! Their official website is US THE DUO. You can check everything about them on their website. I am just giving you a part of what I know. Their Youtube Channel is full as well. You can click the link as soon as you play the videos I have added here on my post.

This music video and the song made it to my official favorite songs of the year! Now that I have mentioned that, wouldn't it be nice if I create a blogpost with my official favorite tracks? WHEW I GOT THOUSANDS I GUESS! Hahah! 

I have always been a music lover, music maniac, music buff, music addict.. name it all about music, I'm one! hahahahahahaahah!

So I guess this is for now ';-)