December 9, 2014

Fell Inlove with Us The Duo

Us The Duo consists of Michael and Carissa. They're a real life couple and have actually made covers on youtube and became popular. But they were solo artists at first and fell inlove with each other hahahah! OH WOW! LOVE IS AWESOME and them making music together, touring together and getting known is just as great! ;-) I first saw them through a Youtube video putting all popular songs in a 2 minute video. MASTERPIECE! Then I discovered their original track and it's on VEVO! Which means they're popular! Love that I know them now. Hopefully they come to the Philippines so I can watch them live. YAY! Their official website is US THE DUO. You can check everything about them on their website. I am just giving you a part of what I know. Their Youtube Channel is full as well. You can click the link as soon as you play the videos I have added here on my post.

This music video and the song made it to my official favorite songs of the year! Now that I have mentioned that, wouldn't it be nice if I create a blogpost with my official favorite tracks? WHEW I GOT THOUSANDS I GUESS! Hahah! 

I have always been a music lover, music maniac, music buff, music addict.. name it all about music, I'm one! hahahahahahaahah!

So I guess this is for now ';-)