April 15, 2013

I turned 25 this month!

I am 25! Hahah! That's crazy awesome! lol

Before hitting the bed for sleep, I'll grab the chance to post something today. This is just nonsense seriously. My blog has been pretty random lately. ;-)

So yes, I just turned 25. The last time I checked, lol I told myself that my fave age would be 20 but I grew and turned 25 without realizing, that time has gone so fast. Maybe I was too happy and I enjoyed life the way I could that I didn't remember telling myself that I should get married at the age of 25. 

Let me think again. Hahahha! Yes, I told myself that. But things didn't go that way. It's a sad thing though that there were a lot of my plans that seems to be not happening at all. Some were small and a lot were really big plans. I'm not gonna reveal them coz you might just laugh at me and tell me go to the bar and drink beer coz you are lousy and hopeless. OUCH! It's true! lol I'm hopeless but not totally hopeless. I know things will happen during their own respective time. I have a lot of time to figure out things. or maybe I am bound to do something else. I mean, hey! There are so many things to consider. Then you realize that those things are not meant for you. Why push too hard right? You're just gonna hurt yourself then you realize that it wasn't good for you. 

I have all the things I need. And I am contented with what I have right now. But we opt for more. We want to have more than what we have. This life has a lot to offer and we often read and hear people say Live Life to the Fullest and Make the most out of it. I believe mine will be. I will make this life worthwhile. Haha!

Even though I'm getting older, lol remembering I am 25 makes me think I am old. Grr but no, it's a cue that I have grown by age, at least. People always tell me I am childish, stubborn and not serious at almost anything. Why would I take each and everything that comes my way seriously? I don't like white hairs! LOL! I hate them! I just live life and that's it. I take what life give me, I savor every moment and just live being me. 

Many times, my friends would say I am not mature and that they're more mature than me even though they're only 23 or 22 and worst, they're mature even though they're only 18. 

OKAY! This is my life, I got my own brain. And I know what I am doing.  ;-)

It feels good to be 25 already. ;-)

Thank you Lord for this life. You know how thankful I am. I love you with all my heart Ama! ;-)