May 28, 2013

Just a random thought on a rainy day

Now title's really random. I just thought I'd blog something about the things that I did lately. I think I have been very busy, but I still managed my online accounts pretty well especially Facebook and Twitter. I have to many things on my mind right now, so just a heads up my post might jump from one story to another. Haha! I'm pretty bombarded with thoughts and the only therapy is to share them out. Hear me out! Hear me out! hahaha

I have been pretty out a lot this days mostly with my Teammates. I just love their company and we can go places in an instant/ in a snap as long everybody nods to it. We party, we do karaoke and we eat a lot especially after payday. So, it's like a treat to ourselves as workaholic ;-) Taste it while it lasts. 

Lounging at 7-eleven Ramos with my teammates

Team Extended lunch at McDonalds IT PARK

Mother's Day bonding at SM CEBU

HI THIS IS ME at the Hello Kitty Cafe. This is sooo cute!

A friend of mine took photo of me while we were in a party. Hahah!! We were on early out and we decided to lounge at Alchology. This is a cool pic, I swear... I am loving it. I love the effects of the lights inside Alcho hahahah!
I'm a loser hahahahahahhhaa

RANDOM..... hahahahaha

May 3, 2013

My First Piercing

YAY! Finally had one. I was in downtown with my bestfriend Sunshine and at a random moment we just made this plan into reality. We have been thinking about doing this for several months now. And finally we did it. This is a sign of out strong friendship. It's not going to be just this piercing but there's gonna be something else hahahah!

waaah finally! i am sooo satisfied with the liberty to decide on my own :)