December 22, 2009

Kris Kring December '09

Talk about Kris Kringle???! OOOHH I FINALLY HAD IT THIS YEAR. Glad I remembered it.

I have a lot of things going on in my mind right now. But I have to think straight for this. It'd be really nice if I read this entry next year if I ever get the kris kringle thinggy again. hahaha!

Chatty, Key, Indilie, Whitney, Sheila and I agreed to have Kris Kringle this year. It's our Last year in College and we've gotta make extra memorable. hahah! Well if not for them..It's really memorable for me. I treasure every single memory and time I have with my friends.

Something long- I got a ballpen and a lollipop from INDILIE
Something colorful- I got that FAIRY TALE princesses from WHITNEY
Something smooth and soft - I got an orange smiley foam from CHATTY
Something round- I got a printed foam but round from KEY which she told me is from RUSSIA.
Something shiny- I got an beautiful transparent angel standing in a mirror from SHEILA
something usable for school- I got a pink scissor ( which I have been wanting to have ) from SHEILA

I love it. I love the idea of Kris Kringle. Our minimum price was 20pesos only. It was hard at first, I find it hard to really look on through a lot of displays and choose which on would fit our theme. But I gave up buying something that was more than 20 pesos. I am gonna be giving it to a close friend so It doesn't matter. hahaha!


December 14, 2009

My Christmas Wishlist for 2009

haha CRAZY thing!

My friends has already so many things in mind now. Last two days, Chatty and I were chatting in facebook when she suddenly asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Know what, my answer was. I DON'T KNOW! Geddhh, I'm taking it back! I'm taking it back! After that night of chatting over I began thinking of things I wanted already.

x i want a new PANTS.~ A SKINNY!
x i want a make up kit. It has to be filled with eyeliners, blush, liquid eyeliners, lip glosses. OAH HEAVEN!

x i want a new phone. The cheaper one. hahaha! But the expensive one will DO!!! I want SUPERNOVA or the latest version of it. I want those THEMES!!!!
x i want a TAYLOR SWIFT cd again!
x i want a MARIE DIGBY CD
x i want a MAC! XOXYAL! hahahah!
x i want a new gurly2 wallet.
x ANYTHING PINK...pud diay!
x i want a TEXT FROM MY CRUSH! hahahah JUSKO! JOKE LANG!
x i want a necklace with a heart pendant ( I want to gift this one to MYSELF! ) AJA!

sOooo far, I can only think of those things. So many! hahaha!

sa makabasa ani...hehehehehe..tsk tsk tsk....