December 22, 2009

Kris Kring December '09

Talk about Kris Kringle???! OOOHH I FINALLY HAD IT THIS YEAR. Glad I remembered it.

I have a lot of things going on in my mind right now. But I have to think straight for this. It'd be really nice if I read this entry next year if I ever get the kris kringle thinggy again. hahaha!

Chatty, Key, Indilie, Whitney, Sheila and I agreed to have Kris Kringle this year. It's our Last year in College and we've gotta make extra memorable. hahah! Well if not for them..It's really memorable for me. I treasure every single memory and time I have with my friends.

Something long- I got a ballpen and a lollipop from INDILIE
Something colorful- I got that FAIRY TALE princesses from WHITNEY
Something smooth and soft - I got an orange smiley foam from CHATTY
Something round- I got a printed foam but round from KEY which she told me is from RUSSIA.
Something shiny- I got an beautiful transparent angel standing in a mirror from SHEILA
something usable for school- I got a pink scissor ( which I have been wanting to have ) from SHEILA

I love it. I love the idea of Kris Kringle. Our minimum price was 20pesos only. It was hard at first, I find it hard to really look on through a lot of displays and choose which on would fit our theme. But I gave up buying something that was more than 20 pesos. I am gonna be giving it to a close friend so It doesn't matter. hahaha!