December 14, 2009

My Christmas Wishlist for 2009

haha CRAZY thing!

My friends has already so many things in mind now. Last two days, Chatty and I were chatting in facebook when she suddenly asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Know what, my answer was. I DON'T KNOW! Geddhh, I'm taking it back! I'm taking it back! After that night of chatting over I began thinking of things I wanted already.

x i want a new PANTS.~ A SKINNY!
x i want a make up kit. It has to be filled with eyeliners, blush, liquid eyeliners, lip glosses. OAH HEAVEN!

x i want a new phone. The cheaper one. hahaha! But the expensive one will DO!!! I want SUPERNOVA or the latest version of it. I want those THEMES!!!!
x i want a TAYLOR SWIFT cd again!
x i want a MARIE DIGBY CD
x i want a MAC! XOXYAL! hahahah!
x i want a new gurly2 wallet.
x ANYTHING PINK...pud diay!
x i want a TEXT FROM MY CRUSH! hahahah JUSKO! JOKE LANG!
x i want a necklace with a heart pendant ( I want to gift this one to MYSELF! ) AJA!

sOooo far, I can only think of those things. So many! hahaha!

sa makabasa ani...hehehehehe..tsk tsk tsk....