September 29, 2013

People change, seasons change.

So, just simply embrace change so it wouldn't hurt that much.  

September 23, 2013

Take life as it is

I have always been a lover of life and will always will ;-)

I love LIFE!

I am so glad that I have surpassed the lonely and depressing days. I have been hiding in the light. And since I was hiding, not everyone knows I carry a heavy package. I am a great pretender but that's in a positive way. You just got to let people see you are happy. And you just have to convince that to live life is to be but HAPPY. I have proven to myself that.

And I am so happy for all the good things that has happened. 

Even though I have been diagnosed with this disease, I still want to live life like normal girls do. I may have been consumed for quite sometime but I guess it wasn't meant to last long since I already got out from it. Though I had in mind that I needed to have an operation, I went out a lot, I partied, and did what makes happy. Haha! I always thank God for every waking day. I always pray that He'd guide me wherever I may be and he will allow me to do what I like to do.

I'm perfectly fine now. No bitterness. Just lovin' life. 
Come what may ;-)

God Bless Us All!
Cheers to life!

September 18, 2013



This is quite impossible but if I can make you guys believe that I really need help raise money for my heart surgery then that would totally change my life forever.

I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Regurgitation since 1st year college and I have been under medication since then as maintenance.

The only resolution for this is an open heart surgery. The last time I checked, we needed to produce P500,000 php for a heart surgery alone excluding hospital stay and expenses. That is really big. 

My family is not rich to come up the big amount of money, so now, after years of having this blog up and running, I have finally come to realize to use it to raise money for my HEART SURGERY. DUE ANYTIME when we're able to raise it already.

I am knocking at your heart <3 p="">

Donations are accepted through my link on the right side of this blog. 

Thanks for your time  and help.
Please spread? hehehe

September 3, 2013

Up North

I want to explore the northern part of Cebu. I don't think I have visited enough places up north. I have to save up, so I can explore! ;-) Yes that's a plan ;-)