September 23, 2013

Take life as it is

I have always been a lover of life and will always will ;-)

I love LIFE!

I am so glad that I have surpassed the lonely and depressing days. I have been hiding in the light. And since I was hiding, not everyone knows I carry a heavy package. I am a great pretender but that's in a positive way. You just got to let people see you are happy. And you just have to convince that to live life is to be but HAPPY. I have proven to myself that.

And I am so happy for all the good things that has happened. 

Even though I have been diagnosed with this disease, I still want to live life like normal girls do. I may have been consumed for quite sometime but I guess it wasn't meant to last long since I already got out from it. Though I had in mind that I needed to have an operation, I went out a lot, I partied, and did what makes happy. Haha! I always thank God for every waking day. I always pray that He'd guide me wherever I may be and he will allow me to do what I like to do.

I'm perfectly fine now. No bitterness. Just lovin' life. 
Come what may ;-)

God Bless Us All!
Cheers to life!