November 2, 2014

Helping Yourself

Most of you who may have dropped on my blog knew that I was working in a call center for a total of 3 years. I have somehow managed to have tiny investments while I was working. To name a few, I was able to buy quality shoes, bought a MAC notebook, I have also, somehow, helped my mom with the construction which is still on going right now. And my desire to help her with it is not yet over because it's too far from completion as for now.

I have actually resigned from Teletech last September 10, 2014 which was one of the hardest decisions I had to make. Working in a callcenter can sure help you with your money issues and it did.  But I had to resign because I was constantly scheduled on a night shift. It wasn't that healthy. Most people say it's really not healthy. Most people also say, they are nocturnals and they can operate at night than they do on daytime. I have met different people who have survived working in BPO but had wished to stop but they don't have a choice because they have a family to support but as in my case I have resigned because I need to. Oh and yes, to be honest I have been planning to resign even during my few months of service there. Hay, working in a callcenter is hard, tiring and could really deteriorate your health especially if you continue to drink, smoke and party all at once every single weekend. Uhmm yes, it's a choice. Some have stayed healthy, too. 

Anyway, I have resigned and I am trying to learn a new skill which is called Network Marketer. Yes! That is definitely in the world of Networking. I despise the thought of networking before but little did I know that I would have an interest with it. I am very very interested with it now! Being a Network Marketer or Networker for short is an awesome way to earn money and get extra with hardwork and determination in one. 

I have just joined Alliance in Motion Their products are great and the networking scheme I shall say is one of the best. Too many times I have rejected friends who have tried to invite me to join. But one day a group of people have felt that my mom was a great prospect, as she is a businesswoman, and grabbed a chance to explain to her how awesome Alliance in Motion Global is. 

My mom, my Mamane, brother and I are all members of it.

The more I listen to the presenters, the more I have gained the interest to learn how to present better for my own tree or network. Networking is a great way to earn and earn lots of money and have a lot of extra in the future.

I have watched a video with great lessons on how to become an effective presenter and a networker especially on inviting and mobilizing and optimizing the project of earning bucks as well as starting my on network.

Let me introduce TJ VILLANUEVA who have taught me the basic and new ways of starting the talk, inviting, and making my network. I hope I would be able to apply what he has presented on his videos on youtube. I am a little bit shy when it comes to networking but he has given some key points that I should remember in order for me to block negativity and my shyness. He's the man! The Boss! hahahhahaha! He is awesome and so gwapo but taken na! hahahahahaha So yeah.. Anyway, Thank you TJ VILLANUEVA for your videos!!! :-)

This a video of him sharing his words about how to get more people to possibly join you in your network ;-)

If you try to imagine a computer on internet cafes. It's a network, so it is operating well. It goes the same thing as being a Networker as a person.