October 22, 2014

From this day onwards.

It's about friendship blues.
Days had passed and the thoughts has been haunting me. It's a mind boggler! I hate to think about it! It occurs everyday! I cannot deny it no more! I hate feeling this way. 

I miss my bestfriends!

But they don't miss me nor like me at all. Why? They  never replied to my texts and facebook messages. They're all left ignored. 

I no longer have a bestfriend nor a single friend from work :( and it sucks that workplace was the last place I've stayed for almost two years and now we all tear up! :( 

Aside from missing my bestfriends, other friends keep hurting me. They're always making changes on their plans. One time they wanna go out and changes their plans only to keep me hanging. Only to see they're out with someone else. :( and without me getting mad at them. At all. Should I just get mad? If I did, I would have lost all my friends even if I had just known them for a week or a month. 

I have totally stretched my patience for all these people but all they gave me are disappointments and ignorance to my feelings!! :( 

Friends are distractions now?

If that's the case, then I should just stop! I do not want to talk to anyone anymore! :( 

I hate this feeling! I couldn't even tell anyone anymore. I also figured in the past that I have a lot of friends who share my secrets to other people, they talk about me. They're nice when they face me but definitely talk bad about me when I am not with them. 

I cannot trust anyone anymore! I'm losing hope at people. I'm losing the interest of keeping friends! 

But even though I feel like this, I will try my best to seek goodness in every new person I meet. It shouldn't be this way. I will pray always that I will no longer meet people who would hurt me, bash me, belittle me and ignore me. 

I will seek help to the Holy Father. 

Good Morning!