August 1, 2011

Ended My Contract on My First Job

In my life I've always wanted to have a change, an action and wants to just have something to do.

And I did.

I worked as a call canter agent for the past 6 months. It was a roller coaster road it's like every day I see myself asking there questions.
 "Am I going to stay and work as an agent?."
I barely had a week in my training and I already asked myself this question.
"Should I just leave? Am I coming back tomorrow?".

Life in a Call Center is crazy! Your body clock is totally damaged. I live in the Philippines so we had to adjust to American time. And for the company that I work for, we follow Eastern Standard Time. I'd go home tired and almost hypotensive. Hungry and very sleepy which is almost sickly but not many of my workmates would see that because I try to maintain my energy until I get home. And when I do, it's my parents who would see me rushing through my room and sleep. I would only have 2 meals in a day and the next meal would be at 3:45 am of the next day. CRAZY RIGHT?! Gosh I'm so thin yet I do not get to eat more than 2 meals and it's like that for 6 months straight. What about my health?! 

but...despite those negative things.. working in a call center gives you special lessons you don't get outside the workplace.

1st- Relationship. Not the kind you're thinking, because I never got a boyfriend at work. Wish I had but no, I was too goal-oriented I had no time to deal with men. Boo! Relationship. FRIENDS. I got new friends. And everything that we had will be cherished. EVERYTHING!

2nd- Skill. The skill could be learned or taught. Taught and learned. WHATEVER. Credit to my Mentor Ms. Aprilyn and Trainer Ms. Angie :) Learned. And you get to learn a lot from experience guys! The way I assist customers changes every day so that I would not feel robotic as long as you follow the guidelines, you're always good to go :)

3rd- Earning from hardwork. It's my first job ever and I'll never ever forget the feeling when I got to my first pay. HAHAH! it's P13,000 guys! I got that from my training. WHOOOAAAH! And I got money out of hardwork in my 6 months of stay in a call center company. BRAVO! I was able to treat my family out in dinner dates and I was able to buy a few things for myself and everytime I do, it just felt like HEAVEN. EARNING IS GREAT!

4th-A new me. It taught me how to move on. And it happens every after CALL. it's just a call. a one time assistance and you get another customer. so move on. leave it from there. a happy customer is coming. hahaha! And I always needed to develop that kinda lesson. Because I always find it so hard to move on because I know for myself that I am emotional and sensitive. And working in a call center just taught me how to move on and leave the things that makes you sad.

There's a lot more and I could not put them in words. Just meet a new me :)

So I would like to thank Qualfon for hiring me. for giving me a job and for molding me into a new me. THANK YOU!!!!