March 31, 2009

My Summer 2009...


My summer has yet to begin. My summer 2009.
What's on my summer list?

There's our Emergency nursing and Immersion. I just can't wait for these who big big big event that has yet to come. Been waiting for it and tomorrow's our enrollment. Now, I hope I passed all my subject. Oh gawd. I know I did. Didn't I? Uhhh..I dunno. I think I did. I did my best. hahhaha!

Ahh~ Summer.
I love SUMMER. But my upcoming summer activities are uhhmm..not the typical summer I used to have.

Summer? Summer?

I miss the beach!
I miss the malls..
I miss my bathing suit...I'll buy a new SEXIII pair next summer. Whet??! Haha! bOOoOOO...

I miss my cousins. I miss my other family...

I MISS THOSE OLD-SUMMER MOMENTS we used to have! I miss kidding around with my little cousins! I miss sliding on long pool slides.
