February 28, 2009

Horoscope Addict

I have been checking my horoscope lately. And this one really matched the story of my day.
_________________________my horoscope says:

The Bottom Line

Reduce your expectations for today. Things might not work out the way you want.

In Detail

Reduce your expectations for today. Things might not work out exactly the way you want them to, but if you are prepared to be less than thrilled by the day's news, you'll end up happier than if you raise your hopes too high. After all, the higher your hopes, the greater the crash when they are dashed to the ground. This might seem like a pessimistic attitude to take, but it's not -- it's just pragmatic. And pragmatism is going to help you stay on top when challenges arise.


Ahh!! Tinamaan ako ng BUNGGANG-B0NGGA!!!