February 3, 2009

Cute Things I Feel Like Sharing

I'm a huge fan of ALL- GIRL bands in KOREA. YEAH!

Here are some of my favorite songs just to cheer you up since YOU opened this blog.

SNSD - Gee
Credit: soultrue @ yt

It's a cute song isn't it? I find these girls adorable. The band has many antis but hey, these girls have gone through so much difficulties already. I rarely read updates about them. If you wanna dig in, go ahead and let's exchange our thoughts. hhehehe but for now. Enjoy the performance. And comment if you want.

WonderGirls- Nobody
credit: nwa1998

Weee! This one is really cute, no, hot. This song is hot. Hahaha! I love wondergirls. If you become a fan, you'll be one of the WONDERFULS. Go search for more videos. hehehe!

Davichi - Love and War
credit: rcXxrc

weeeehhh! My new found CUTIE band from Korea. How do you find this video? Me.....CUTE CUTE CUTE!

That's it for now.

Did you enjoy the videos????