December 6, 2012

Flash Mob Wedding Proposal!!

I don't know where in a world will I ever share this one! Good thing I have my own blog!

I'd really really say this proposal is really one of the most surreal wedding proposal ever!!! 

OMG!I found myself teary-eyed even though I am nowhere related to the girl or even to the boy in this video. But I just thought this is one of the sweetest proposals I have ever watched on Youtube. Wedding proposals are just one of the most exciting days in our lives when we are in a relationship. Us girls, will never have a slightest idea as to when would a guy ask us to marry him and put a ring on left hand! lol AMAZING! I'm sooooo looking forward to my own experience! Let's see if that's ever gonna happen!

Good Job boy!!!! You nailed it! You're the coolest! hahahaha