October 17, 2011

I Cannot Copy and Save My Photos in the CD

I am extremely frustrated already because I think the computer's about to crush already from too much pictures on it. Pictures I took and dumped then on folders. The computer's running slow I think. And it is actually. So I was thinking, maybe there's a need for me to buy an external hard drive already. but omeggash! Okaaii it's really expensive. I cannot just buy a cheap one and figure out it's not going to last anyway. NO! I must buy a reliable external drive. GOSH! I can really see myself ranting now because I am mad. Sorry guys.

Yes I have a few here. Take time to read eh? haha

  1. I was thinking for three days straight already, I think, of making a dress/ designing a dress out of a newspaper. NICE IDEA? 
  2. I am curious about studying DESIGN on my own. IS THAT POSSIBLE??
  3. nothing. staying focus on my review.
tsssshh! I am breaking my imagination right at this very moment. I need to prepare for an exam. I think it would be better to list my plans and review it again after a month or two.

the list consists of
-Studying DESIGN
(for this...I believe there are books available to learn the basic...I need basic ideas...)
-Apply for a job. So that when I get the money I could save up for a camera and buy myself a NIKON CAMERA....DREAM!!!
-Learn how to drive. I guess I need to process my temporary the day after I take the examinations
---and a lot more... the list goes on everyday. Because that's what I do each day, THINK of some things to do.

but for now. I'm sleepy...I'm gonna sleep now..

before I go...here's one thing I just wanna share to ya'll

mag-gotch na ko! @jdshfjhdjhtkjidjsj!~

super roller-coaster like emotions coming in and eating me up! bwechet!

STILL MAD at the computer and the CD WRITER!