January 31, 2009

I was just bored....and a bit curious about my real situation.
Friends, you might want to take a personality test from this website.


My Results:


31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



People scoring high on this Trait are generally active and energetic, enjoying all kinds of physical activity including hard work and exercise, pursuing a wide variety of different interests.
People with low scores are inclined to be physically inactive, lethargic and easily tired. They prefer leisurely activities and find it hard to get going in the morning.
High activity is an extravert characteristic: such a person is outgoing because he has clear goals and knows what he wants - this provides the energy. Low activity tends to go with introversion: a more inward-looking, self-conscious and inhibited personality. The person's goals may not be as clear - he may have suffered failure or trauma in the past and therefore have less confidence and energy.
My score : 18.5
what can I say about this. uhhmm yeah, i do lack confidence- or even trust, to others. if you base it on my past experience during my highschool and early college days, you'll surely understand me. But atleast, I'm not INTRAVERT.



People scoring high on this Trait tend to seek out the company of others, they like social functions such as parties and dances and are comfortable when meeting new people. They are extraverted and unselfconscious in company. People with low scores prefer to have only a few special friends (who are like them) and most enjoy doing things on their own. They tend to be selfconscious and worry about finding things to talk about with other people. Though they may feel content enough, they seem to others to be introverted and, maybe, unfriendly. They have probably had frustrating or humiliating experiences in the past when trying to communicate and so they avoid risking a repetition. They may justify this with a consideration that others are unintelligent or trivial, further solidifying their inhibition. Or they may feel that they have better things to do!

My score: 19.0

I'm inclined to avoiding people anytime possible without a word. I'm a bad person. hahaha!

Risk Taking


High scorers seek rewards with little concern for the possible adverse consequences and they find that an element of risk adds spice to their life. They are not afraid of change or growth or exposing their feelings. People with low scores prefer familiarity, safety and security, even if it means sacrificing some degree of excitement in their life. Such a person is ruled by fears.

My score: 13.0



The ability to express one's emotions outwardly and openly, whether love, hate, to make up extraversion.
High scorers tend to be volatile and demonstrative. Those with low scores inhibit the expression of their thoughts and feelings, and try to bury upsets in the past, leaving themselves frustrated and unheard.
My score: 24.0
Do you buy presents for people even though there is no occasion that calls for it?

I DO I DO I ........DO!!!

Emotional Stability



Self-esteem is a trait of emotional stability, of being comfortable with oneself. Lack of self esteem, or inferiority complex, is a trait of emotional instability or neuroticism. Self-esteem is acquired through a history of successfully completed actions that demonstrate competence: the ability to produce a desired effect. Those with high self-esteem scores have plenty of confidence in themselves and their abilities and believe that they are well-liked by other people.
Those with low scores have a low opinion of themselves and tend to project that opinion into other peoples' minds so they then assume that others consider them unattractive or incapable. This makes them self-conscious and inhibited. Such "mind-reading" needs to be disputed and self-esteem recovered by the acknowledgement of achievements.
My score: 12.0

Trait 3 - ANXIETY


Anxious persons are easily upset when things go slightly wrong and are inclined to worry unnecessarily about what may or may not happen. They are ruled by fears and suffer a high level of stress. When anxieties are exaggerated or irrational, emotions become unstable and may develop into neurotic compulsions or phobias. Those with low scores are placid, serene and resistant to irrational fears and anxieties - that is, provided they are reasonably happy and outgoing. This implies an understanding that problems are best faced with equanimity, that resistance does not make them go away, and that problems - if faced squarely - are really the stuff that makes life interesting. A person in apathy or grief, however, may not feel anxiety because he has already given up (fear being a more causative emotional tone than apathy or grief).

My score : 22.0

I was surprised at my result. I never thought I have so many problems with about myself. I knew I am bit self-conscious and i feel a bit awkward when I'm on a crowd. My self-esteem is just so low. I hate to admit that to myself. Because the way I see myself, I am very jolly and I can easily relate with others. Gosh, I really really need to change myself into something good. Someone who would be as optimistic and alive. But if I try to re-assess myself, my past experience has greatly contributed to what I am now. Because of what I've been through, it became so hard for me TRUST others. And it just happened again, just recently. I feel so bad about opening myself to them and then in return I hear a word from others that someone had already talked behind my back, or even shared about how that person felt awkward around me. That was so hard to believe. Ugh! Because I really thought I found a friend. But now, I've learned to move on. I've moved on. I don't want to become a paranoid. It's a pain. This test really me realize so many things. You should try this one too! Visit : www.trans4mind.com, and take the test. You'll enjoy the test.
Life must go on!!!!