December 3, 2015

Dear Life

Dear life.

I’ve had this on my mind for quite sometime now. And I think I’ve come to a point where I can really fix my mind and finally put it into writing. I think my life has become more organized, serene, peaceful by cutting off people who belittle me. They do that to me without even noticing that they’re doing it. And although I feel alone sometimes, cause literally I am because I am single, but it’s better this way. No gossips, no pressure of night outs, no spending too much on alcohol, fare and time for doing things over and over again like just simply “holding on for tonight” (got this from Sia’s Chandelier) kind of life? So, I guess it wasn’t YOLO kind of thing cause we were like slowly killing our organs inside for drinking almost every other day for two years, for staying up late from partying and shooing our probs away, temporary happiness and for contributing to arguments for almost not going home and for what we thought finding bestfriends and sisters outside our family circle was everything and fun. If you have friends whom you’ve become so close you sometimes forget you have family whose supposed to know every single thing about you. lol we could just be jamming, we weren’t doing significant things with other people anymore. I got stagnant and absurd, and foolish, wild and a pain in the ass. It’s not just me, everybody does become like this at one point and then realizing change has to happen. Thanks to Dear Life it doesn’t make us miserable all the time. We stand up again back on track for what we live for. Our family, some close friends, love, faith and dreams and Our Purpose.