November 3, 2010

my blog never looked this pretty! sooo purdy!!

dear blog,
ur sooo pretty. so stay pretty. makes me want to post pretty words with pretty stories but i'm pretty much of a bum these days waiting for my pretty near board exam days on december 19 and 20. remembering the date can make me pretty excited and pretty anxious because i do not know what to expect so i'd pretty spent these lazy days with pretty small things to stay pretty during the exam.

♥, tina

.....that was sooooo gay! ahahaha! it's been a long long long long time since I ever posted on here. (checking.....yes september!) that's pretty dugay na ha! it's november and i could have posted every nice memories i had spent with my loved ones ( CHAR.COM! ). i had super daghan chikas man ue! so daghan pictures to share but, the bum in me failed me. awwwe. blogspot please don't surrender on me. we will have more moments together yah know! ahehehe :b

oie..i dreamt of having a DSLR, i really hope I'm getting one soon!! wey!