May 15, 2010

stucked in the house

I will be taking the N.L.E come December. It's too soon and I feel like I am stuck doing nothing.

I want to doooooo something productive just like my other batchmates did.

I want to work!!!!

I want to experience how it's like being interviewed. I want to know if i'd pass that part. Seriously! But the sad thing here is, I don't which position I want. Planned to apply in a call center but was not ready enough to face the interviewers. I received an email from JP Morgan Chase, an international bank, but refused to open the message. Crazy things happen and right now I am sooooo eager to do something again. There's this vacancy in my favorite radio station, they're looking for a new DJ.! I can't talk like DJs do!!! I wish I could. But I know I can't I can't!!!!

Just yesterday, while in the middle of watching the movie, The Orphan, which is a horror one, I told my friends I want to work in a Nursery and deal with kids. How am I supposed to do that? waaah! I'm sooo broke!!!

But I know one thing to put these things into a realization.