January 30, 2010

My ABC of the day

I'm bored. So while waiting for something to eat....I'm gonna do an A B C of some random things that happened today. The thought would just flow instantly.....you'll see how funny this would be. Some lines will be in bisaya...okay? hahaha

A- i refrained to say "AHAK " today.

B- I am BLOGGING right now.

C- my CELLPHONE battery is low, but I came home with a bar or 2 cguro.

D- DEADMA to them

E- we had an EXAM during our orientation for pedia ward duty next week ;)

F- Met my Block Q FRIENDS ;)

G- GRABEH ang abog sa dalan oie!

H- HAPPY ko today ;P

I- Indz came later than us. hahha ..so? hahaha

J- JUUUUUJJUUUUSSSSST...hhehhehhe I likeeeee you! hahaha

K- my name is KRISTINA...right?

L- we went inside the Faculty room although it was still their LUNCH break. BLEH

M- MET some of my blockmates

N- NOTHING wrong happened today. Thanks God ;))

O- my family name is OPERARIO..hahahha

P- i submitted my PRC forms to sir lucius


S- I met her SANDALI lang.

T- I am very TALKATIVE na oie!

U- U are the reason why I'm happy..char..who you? hahaha

V- VONGGA ang day!

W- the WIND was cold.

X- i met XY,...hahaha

Y- thank YOU

Z- i am sleepy like...ZzzzzzZzzzzZZZ


LOL! random!