March 23, 2011

3 years of blogging.♥


It turned 3 last January. Oh my god, I can hardly imagine keeping a blog that long. It's good to realize that I've been able to write a lot of experiences on here may it be bad, emotional, a sharing about my latest vacay or simply random thoughts. I love it. Back then, I must admit that I am a big fan of editors. I'm a frustrated writer. The feeling I get from writing is totally different enjoyment I get from going out with friends and spending quality time with my family. Writing is my way of expressing myself more. I may not be that good in expressing through words with all the beautiful words and synonyms, idc. I just want to say what's in my mind. Sorry for the poor grammar. hahaha but as I said, IDC. hahahah! I believe there is always a room for improvement. And I know time will come that I'll surprise myself that I was able to share something just the way I liked it to be written on here.

Blogging is fun and reading other blogs is still one of the best hobbies I have developed ever since I found the ♥ in writing.