January 28, 2009

blogging my loneliness and inis

I woke up 7am. SHIT , It's too early for me to get up but I can't sleep na eh.


I opened my YM and got a buzz from a NEW FOUND ONLINE FRIEND. Thank YOU.
But it did not lessen my INIS. I slept early last night because someone used this computer im using right now. Good thing I got a new book straight from my grandpa’s book shelves. The book is an OLB BOOK actually. It was published way back 1966. IMAGINE? I think, no one has laid a digit on it except ME and MY LOLO MONING. It’s about DOCTOR X, an intern way back I -don’t-know-which year exactly. It’s sort of a journal/taped diary. The author chose to not expose his REAL name for come privacy. WHAT CAN I SAY THEN? Ah~ I’m SO INTO IT nah. Knowing myself, I am so certain about my interests. I like reading stories slash watching tv series that talks about MEDICINE. Yes, I’M A FAN. How about you, dear?WALA LANG. I’m a bummer. So, going back to me INIS..wala, as in nothing. I failed to construct a real reason why I got INIS about not being able to use the PC last night. May be it was because I am too eager to check my friendster profile. KUYAW!

Are you still there? You should be, no, yeah YOU SHOULD coz I am just about to tell you something. You know, Blogging…..but I am still thinking about what to share. I have a lot of things going on in my mind right now. GEESSHH! Ting, ano na? hahaha!

Okay. Last Night. Going Home. I cried. WHY?

Because I felt lonely slash empty and ignored.

It’s a two-way feeling. I smile a lot, I talk a lot but deep inside I’m not what my actions reflect. This is really making things hard for me. And worse, I feel like I’ve got no one to talk to. IT SUCKS. THIS FEELING SUCKS. And what’s making it suck a bit more? The person whom I want to talk to SEEM very MANHID of my situation. So, I realized why not BLOG it nalang. But the thing is, I DO SUCK AT BLOGGING. piskot nalang gyud ang kuwang ani ai. igit!
