January 16, 2009

carcar to obong spring in dalaguete.

you see, it's all going SOUTH.

getting ready...mamane asked me the night before 01.11.09 if i wanted to go travel south. the idea of traveling strucked me of course. ive longed to travel. then the morning came, i was dressed and was ready to go.


I often hear people say about going to Simala. so when i heard that we were going to Simala, i remembered the pictures my classmates took and they looked wonderful. when i got there, i wasn't getting a lot of pics instead i prayed and grabbed the chance because i know it would take me months and months before i could go back to simala. it's a very religious place i want to hear a mass there. yeah! Cathy, you promised you'll tell me when your barkada decides a trip. ahright? haha


woooaaaah! the undiscovered cold spring. another creation you'll love. i'd love to go back there. i wasn't able to bathe myself into the cold spring because i had an emergency chuvaness and it pisses me off when i remember that. ahg! but it's okay. thanks to corie for these amazing pictures. waaaah!!! i love the cold spring. c'mon guys...let's go to obong spring again. ask me so that i'd be ready. hahha!

the overall trip was super duper fun. OMG!